Zine maker

For a bit of fun, I've been playing around creating a Gimp 2.10 plugin to let me make 8 page zines from a single sheet of paper. The plugin lets you choose the paper size. It then resizes the images automatically and places them in the right place. 

If you don't know how to create an 8 page zine from a single sheet of paper, the following guide might help:

If you like making these types of zines, you can grab the plugin from https://github.com/henspace/gimpPlugin

The images below shows what the result looks like. There are two versions: one for A4 paper and the other for US letter size paper. You'll need to click on the images to download the full size version if you want to print them and try out making a zine.

Random Stuff Zine A4 size

Random Stuff Zine US letter size